Our commitment to compliance

Our commitment to compliance

The companies of the Bauer Group place the highest value on compliance with all legal and ethical standards. This is expressed in the corporate guidelines, the code of conduct and the code of conduct for suppliers. Our commitment to compliance is an integral part of our corporate culture and forms the basis for sustainable success. This includes compliance with the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz), which ensures human rights and environmental standards along our entire supply chain. We are firmly committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability in all areas of our business. (Human Rights Policy Statement)

Introducing the compliance team

Our dedicated compliance team plays a central role in the implementation and monitoring of our compliance guidelines. It is your point of contact for all questions relating to compliance. Our team is available to provide you with advice and support, as well as information on violations of laws and self-imposed obligations. (Rules of Procedure Complaints Procedure)

Compliance Officer

Lisa Berkenhoff

Telefon 05021/9638-37


Representative of the Compliance Officer

Susan Hissenkämper

Telefon 05021/9638-31


General compliance e-mail address of Frikoni Food GmbH & Co. KG


Compliance Documents